Tuesday 5 August 2008

In the light of day would you still make hay?

It doesn't really bring back any great memories but it still had me laughing.

I can say from my relationship pedestal that it's been a long time since my last walk of shame. But recently i stayed at my boyfriend's flat after a wedding. The next day all i had to wear was my short dress and heals complimented with mascara residue under my eyes. We went to the pub for the hair of the dog and i got really paranoid that people were thinking that i had been picked up at a Mc Irish bar the night before. They may have suspected that my boyfriend was just escorting me up to bus stop or using the promise of a drink to lure me out of his house. I kept trying to hold hands with him to make it look like we had known each other longer than 7 hours but my boyfriend picked up on my anxieties and kindly start to pinch my bum just to add the diamante cherry on top of my slapper hell.

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