I was watching an episode of Sex in the City the other day with my flat mate. After we finished watching the four neurotic New Yorkers she posed the interesting question, do men obsess about women as much as we obsess about men? I don’t even need to say it do I? Of course they bloody don’t. And I for one am really jealous of them!
We analyze each text message like we’re trying to crack the god damn De Vinci code and every date is pulled apart by interrogation style questioning from our girlfriends, What did he wear? What shoes did he have on? Was he wearing sports socks? Were his jeans too short so when he sat down you saw his socks?!!
Oh to be a man, to walk around in a simple world where only two questions exist. Was she fit? And did you shag her? Everything is so black and white, not the million shades of grey that girls spend hours trying to decipher. It’s like being trapped inside the matrix but instead of Neo helping us get out he adds to the confusion as we have to ring our girlfriends up to ask if it’s ok to date a man in a full pleather jacket. Get me outta here!
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